Mars ning Üstide Hazir Su Barmu?

Erkin Sidiq
2007-yili 3-ayning 14-k

Aldinqi küni (6-Dikabir küni) NASA Marisning bir yéngi résimini elan qilip, alimlarning Mars ta hazir su bar, dep qaraydighanlighini otturigha qoydi.

Töwendiki resimning sol tereptikisi 1999-yili Awghustta tartilghan, ong tereptikisi bolsa 2005-yili Sintebirde tartilghan bolup, ong tereptiki resimde bir hazirmu éqiwatqan suning belgüsi éniq körünüp turidu. Eger bu rastinla su bolsa, Mars timu janliqlar barken, dep qarashqa bolidu. Qarighanda kainatta biz insanlar yalghuz emes oxshaymiz.

Bu resimlerni In'glizche "Mars Global Surveyor" (MGS) dep atilidighan, Uyghurche menisi "Marsni Omumyüzlük Tekshürgüchi" digenge yéqin kélidighan alem ushquri tartqan bolup, uni NASA üchün JPL lahiyilep yasap bergen. Uni hazirmu JPL bashquridu. MGS 1996-yili qoyup bérilgen bolup, eslide uni 2 yil ishlitish pilanlanghan idi. Lékin, u hazirghiche normal ishlewatidu. Yéqinda MGS hazir Marsning üstide yürüp uni tekshürüwatqan, "Xislet (Spirit)" bilen "Purset (Opportunity)" dep atilidighan ikki mashinilarni Marsning orbitisida turup resimge élip mangdurup berdi.



Inglizche: The wall of an unnamed crater as it appeared in August 1999 and later
in September 2005. No light-toned deposit was present in August 1999,
but one appears by February 2004. NASA/JPL/Malin Space Science Systems


In'glizche: Scientists found bright, light-colored deposits in the
gullies like the one seen here that weren't present in original photos
taken of the sites. They concluded the deposits -- possibly mud, salt or frost --
were left there when water recently cascaded through the channels. NASA/JPL/MSSS

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