China Demands an Apology from the World, This is what I think


Erkin Sidick

March 6, 2020


How you feel when you read a headline like: “Mainland Chinese media demands an apology from the rest of the world for the sacrifice China has made for #coronavirus”? Some people might want to vomit or throw up, just like me. But, wait, look at this: “If affairs are undertaken which the enemy is ashamed to perform, (a country) profits.” Do you know where this came from? It came from a book titled: “The book of Lord Shang”. Its Preface has this phrase: “The Lord of Shang held high office in the state of Ch’in between 359 and 338 B.C., and the book which bears his name is regarded as belonging to the School of Law.” Explaining this subject fully requires to write a long article as the minimum, but let me skip that this time. All Chinese rulers work following some sorts of ancient books, and the above book was written about 2,360 years ago. Xi Jinping followed an ancient book when he decided to destroy a people—the Uyghurs, in around 2012, and made an explanation to some of the top officials in China’s central government. That is, the CCP made detailed plans before locking up 3 – 5 million Uyghurs and making a large portion of them disappeared, following some ancient books. The world will find out about those books and Xi’s plans sooner or later (recall the recently leaked China files), but after we, the Uyghurs, received even more destruction than now, if the world continues to take no action as it is doing now.


Japanese people came to my mind after reading the above headline. I lived in Japan for a couple of years, conducting research in universities. If the #WuhanVirus outbreak had taken place in Japan, the Japanese government would have had apologized to the world long ago. But you can never expect that kind of morality from the Chinese government, because the rules were set in the opposite way in their ancient books, just like the one above.


I have saved the PDF version of the above book here, in case you want to read it:


There is another book, “Thick Black Theory”, that may benefit you if you want to understand Chinese and their rulers. You can buy it from Amazon.


Also, see this:


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